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国家公務員総合職・外務省専門職受験へのハードルを 少しでも下げたり、英語 や 多言語化に取り組みたい人へ大きな助けになるブログを目指します。


Back Number のアリーナツアーのチケットを予約しようと思っていたら、予約早々一瞬のうちにSold Out でした。考えが非常に甘かったです。







   ① 必ずしも成人と同等の保障を受けない権利

   ② 成人と同等の保障を受ける権利

   ③ 未成年者にとりわけ保障される権利

  (2) 未成年者の心身の成熟度の個人差

  (3) 保護と自立との調整





   ① 必ずしも成人と同等の保障を受けない権利

   ② 成人と同等の保障を受ける権利

   ③ 未成年者にとりわけ保障される権利




③には、無償の義務教育を受ける権利、酷使の禁止等が含まれるが、これらの権利は 未成年者の成長可能性ゆえ、未成年者にとりわけ保障される。





1 人格的利益説(主要論者:芦部信喜佐藤幸治佐藤功、種谷春洋等)






2 一般的自由説(主要論者:阿部照哉、内野正幸、阪本昌成、戸波江二等)

 「人間存在の特異性は、人格的であるとか、理性的であるとかいった、超越論的な共通点にあるのではない。人間は感じ方から生活様式まで、それぞれに異なって、独自的な存在である点に人間の特異性があるのである。法や憲法典の存在理由は、人間を人格的存在として平等に扱うことにはない。その存在理由は、各人が、有限知の中で、それぞれの個別性を基礎にしながら、自由にその自己愛を最大化できるよう共通の条件を整備することにある。」「自由の価値と意味は、自由が侵害されてはじめてわかる。自由は個別的に侵害されて、その姿を徐々に現すのである。」「憲法典の制定目的は自由の保障にある。」           (阪本昌成『憲法理論Ⅱ』成文堂、69~73頁)

※   人権のインフレ化に対する考え方

 1 人格的利益説からのアプローチ

「確かに幸福追求権という観念自体は包括的で外延も明確でないだけに、その具体的権利性をもしルーズに考えると人権のインフレ化を招いたり、それがなくても、裁判官の主観的価値判断によって権利が創設されるおそれもある。(改行) しかし、幸福追求権の内容として認められるために必要な要件を厳格に絞れば、立法措置がとられていない場合に一定の法的利益に憲法上の保護を与えても、右のおそれを極小化することは可能であり、またそれと対比すれば、人権の固有性の原則を生かす利益の方が、はるかに大きいのではあるまいか。この限度で裁判官に、憲法に内在する人権価値を実現するため一定の法創造的機能を認めても、それによって裁判の民主主義的正当性は決して失われるものではないと考えられる。こう考えると、幸福追求権の内容をいかに限定して構成するか、ということが重要な課題となる。」   (芦部信喜憲法学Ⅱ』341頁)

2 一般的行為自由説からのアプローチ



意見表明権児童の権利に関する条約 12条)

(英語)Article 12
1. States Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child.
2. For this purpose, the child shall in particular be provided the opportunity to be heard in any judicial and administrative proceedings affecting the child, either directly, or through a representative or an appropriate body, in a manner consistent with the procedural rules of national law.




今回も外国語 ( 日本語⇒英語 )のトレーニングです。下記の安倍首相のスピーチは、ウィットに富んで俊逸だと思います。関東・関西以外から、東京大学京都大学を目指す方(女性の社会進出推進のために特に女性の方)も和文英訳トレーニングにどうぞ。



平成28年9月21日 安倍総理と金融関係者との対話

 ここで、私から皆様にお願いがあります。ぜひ、TPPを批准してください。アメリカがTPPの完全な一員になることで、アジア太平洋地域はもっと、もっと、もっと良くなります。アメリカがリーダーとしての役割を発揮することを期待しています。アメリカの皆さん、共に歩もうではありませんか。 これが私から皆様へのメッセージです。


Opening Remarks by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the Dialogue with the New York based Business and Financial Community of Japan
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
[Provisional Translation]

Thank you. Thank you so much.
I am Shinzo Abe, not Mario. Like Mario, though, I keep on fighting.
Fighting to boost Japan's economy.

Three Points
Three things, ladies and gentlemen.
Continuity, that is point number 1. More openness, number 2. And changes in our work style, point number 3.

Continuity, openness, work style changes. What do I mean by those three?

Voters gave me a fresh mandate earlier this year. I am determined to use it. My top priority: the economy. My second: the economy. And my third: the economy. Make no mistake. That will not change.

Continuity makes a difference. Take, for instance, the corporate tax. That is down by 7 percentage points, on my watch.

Or the corporate governance code. More than 2,000 listed companies have adopted it. Among them, 80 per cent have independent non-executive members of the board.

A year ago, that was about to happen.
One year later, it has already happened.

The stewardship code also matters. That's the flip side of the same coin. Institutional investors must be responsible stewards of the money they manage.

But, for what? It is to urge companies to achieve growth. It is for Japan to
grow and become more robust.

And here is a question. If your asset manager belongs to a large financial group, and the same financial group has other business connections with the company your money is invested into, can you be sure that your money is under good stewardship? There may be a conflict of interest, you should wonder.

To make sure that your money is under good care, Japanese stewardship code will introduce something new next year. Each institutional investor will be urged to set up safeguard measures including a third party committee, ensuring that investment decisions be made always to maximize your benefits.

Point number two, openness. Please remember, Japan is for openness. Japan is for trade liberalization. Japan is for investment liberalization.

For instance, in Japan, under some conditions, you will soon be able to obtain your green card very quickly. The speed will be among the fastest in the world. We are now working on the details, so stay tuned.

The most important agenda item here, of course, is the TPP.

Ladies and gentlemen, for the TPP, we will seek approval of our parliament, and do so A.S.A.P. Why? Because it is good for free, fair, and open trade.

The TPP is good also for Japanese farmers who are ambitious. Japan's high-value added products, such as wagyu beef, will find it much easier to enter overseas food markets.

Japan will remain an engine for free trade. We will work harder and harder to achieve the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement and do so, again, A.S.A.P.

And here is my request to you. Please do ratify the TPP. The Asia Pacific should be much, much, much better off with the US fully being a TPP
member. We are simply waiting for you to take a leadership role. “Come along, America,” should be my own message to you.

Changes in Work-style
Now, point number 3, changes in our work-style.

The crux of the matter here is to give workers better prospects for the future.

Listen up. Abenomics is for the future. It is for future growth. It is for future generations. And it is for a future Japan that is robust.

We will propose new laws. Those laws will help bring equal pay for equal work.

Some may wish to work from home. Others wish to come back home early. Still others wish to work 9 to 5. So long as they work with the same company and bear the same amount of responsibilities, there must be absolutely no difference in the amount of money they get.

At present, those not in regular employment get less. And there are many such people. As many as 40 per cent of the entire Japanese workforce works as temp staff, and they tend to get less money. We must change that.

We must fill the gap between regular and non-regular workers so that young people can have brighter hope for the future.

Only then do I expect the middle class will once again grow and spend more. Only then do I expect more and more people to start having families. Only then do I expect Japan's birth rate to turn to the better.

Long working hours are, needless to say, harmful. We will change that as well, by enhancing the regulatory framework. We will propose new laws to that end.

The hope is that women will find it easier to work. The elderly will find it easier to work.

This is an economic issue before it is a social one. We must increase the
labor force participation rate. We must increase wages. We must increase labor productivity. And to change the way we work, I believe, is the best way to improve our productivity.

Next week, upon getting back home, I will roll up my sleeves and start working on this. I will launch an expert group with a single mission, a mission to change the way we work. We will sort out what laws will be necessary. We will then propose those laws. This is what will take place within the next couple of months.

Yes, Japan is gaining speed. Abenomics is gaining speed, too. And I will sharpen my drill bit. To change the structure of Japanese economy, my drill bit is still spinning fast.

Demography, onus or bonus?
I will close my remarks by giving you good news. I have absolutely no worries about Japan's demography.

My country has lost, over the last 3 years, 3 million people of working age. And yet, our nominal GDP has grown.

We should look to the future, rather than worry about the present. Japan may be ageing. Japan may be losing its population. But, these are incentives for us.

Why? Because we will continue to be motivated to grow our productivity. We will continue to be motivated to use, say, everything new and digital, from robots to wireless sensing, and big data to AI.

So, Japan's demography, paradoxically, is not an onus, but a bonus.

A New Japan
In 4 years, Tokyo will yet again have changed its profile.

With the Olympic and Paralympic games, it will have become a city of more tolerance, not less, more openness, not less, and more diversity, not less.

And in the late-2030s, which is actually not so far away, you will be popping on a maglev train in Tokyo, and boom, forty minutes later, you will be standing in Nagoya. Only twenty minutes more, meaning in just an hour out of Tokyo, you will be getting off at Osaka station.

The distance between Tokyo and Nagoya is almost the same as that between New York and D.C. And by the way, you could do the same thing here with the maglev technology that is there for you to get.

See, in about twenty years, you will find a brand new Japan. From Tokyo, through Nagoya to Osaka, you will see what? It will be among the biggest, richest, most technologically advanced, cleanest, and yet most relaxed mega cities the world has ever seen with a population of 70 million people.

So, it is almost like Pokemon GO. Unless you look around, you cannot find it. Unless you go to the spot, you cannot get it. So come to Japan and look around. Seeds of growth are there, waiting to be captured, and waiting to bloom.

Though I do no Pokemon GO, though to achieve growth is not walk in the park, I see seeds of growth everywhere in Japan, and I am determined to let them bloom.

That's it, ladies and gentlemen. If I have sounded bullish so far, it is because I am bullish. Bullish for the future of my country, Japan.

Thank you so much.