jirikihongan-kaiun blog

国家公務員総合職・外務省専門職受験へのハードルを 少しでも下げたり、英語 や 多言語化に取り組みたい人へ大きな助けになるブログを目指します。



安倍首相の年頭記者会見の記事をアップします。2016年の災害や自衛隊のPKO活動にも配慮したスピーチになっています。我々日本人は、日本語の言葉とイメージが母国語であるが故に強く結びついています。イメージ⇒日本語⇒英語のスピードをいかに早めるのかが 外国語習得の鍵です。東大・京大など大学受験に取り組まれている方もGoogle 翻訳やスペースアルクのネット上の電子辞書などを有効活用してください。AIは、人間と同様にディープラーニングで日々翻訳の精度が上がってきています。受験は、ある意味情報戦であるので、ITの力をうまく活用して情報をデジタル化して活用してください。私が、ブログで記事をアップしているのは、みなさまのデジタル化推進により、教育格差をなくせればと言う思いからです。






Happy New Year to everyone.
In 2016, Japan was struck by one disaster after another, including the Kumamoto earthquakes, the heavy rains of typhoon Number 10, and the massive fire Itoigawa at the end of year. I believe that there were many people who welcomed the new year while leading harsh lives as evacuees. I extend my heartfelt sympathies to everyone affected by these disasters. I just paid a visit to Ise Jingu in the hope that 2017 will be a year of peace and abundance. On African soil so far away, member of the Sell-Defense Forces (SDF) are working vigorously as they undertake United Nations PKO activities and anti-piracy measures, giving up their New Year’s holidays for international peace. Here as we welcome a new year. I wish to express once again my respect for their strong sense of mission and responsibility.

In the Oriental zodiac, this is the year of the rooster. During the previous year of the rooster 12 years ago, there was that dramatic snap election on the issue of privatizing Japan Post.Then the previous year of the rooster 12 years before that, the year in which I was first elected to the Diet, was a historic year in which the LDP became an opposition party for the first time since the end of the war, and the “1965 system” collased. The year 1969, when Prime Minister Eisaku Sato reached agreement with the United States for the reversion of Okinawa to Japan and a snap election was held, was also the year of the rooster. The year of the rooster has often been a major turnig point politically. And this year, the leaders of various nations around the world will also change. We can anticipate that this will be a year of change. In that kind of era in which we cannot foresee the future, what is important is not to waver and stick to the course pursued until now. This year I will again place the utmost priority on the economy, and continue to shoot the “three arrows” of monetary policy, fiscal policy, and a strategy for growth as we work toward pulling out of deflation, like birds soaring through the sky.

Moreover, I have visited more than 100 countries and regions so far. I will conduct active diplomacy taking a paroramatic perspective of the entire world map, like the eyes of a bird in flight looking down over the ground. The year 1945 was also the year of the rooster. It was the year Japan’s post-war era began. Everything has lost on account of the war, with burnt-out suins stretching as far as the eye could see. But our predecessors necer gavr up. Amidst the ruins and the extreme poverty, they resolutely rose to their feet and after the war created for those of us living today a nation of peace and abundance under a new Constitution.This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Constituion of Japan comig into force. Over these 70 years, Japan’s economy and society have changed dramatically. We now face rapidly shrinking birthrate and swiftly graving society Deflation, which can be traced back to the bursting of the economic “bubble,” weighed heavily on the Japanese economy for almost two decade, and our confidence toward our sustained growth was shaken. On the world stage, the Cold War, which was the post-war international order, ended, and the society enviroroment surrounding Japan has become increasingly severe. We can no longer avert our eyes from such difficult issues. Emulating our predecessors 70 years ago who created post-war Japan, we who are alive today must also take on thses issues directly. We must carry out our responsibilities toward the future. now is the time for us to press forward in creating a new nation as we head toward the future kepping steadily in our gaze the next 70 years, which will carve out the era beyond the post-war era.


結局、昨日は、17時くらいまで 息子と実の両親に対しての親孝行をしていました。相変わらず、母親には、頭が上がりません。以前、奥さんと一緒にワインバーで飲んだ後、夜中に奥さんが急性アルコール中毒のために救急車で運ばれた時に母親と電話で話をした際に「あんた、バカか。何考えているの?」と本気で叱ってくれたことを思い出します。「母は強し」ですね。引き続き、環境問題について掘り下げたいと思います。








3 「地球温暖化」を少しでも食い止めるために、何をすればよいのでしょうか?



1 環境問題と東京都の現状

2 誰もがくらしやすい都市環境の創出





3 これからの東京都








2017年現時点で現状以上に温暖化対策を採らなければIPCC/RCP8.5シナリオ)、2050年を境に 地球の気温は2.6~4.8度に上昇します。厳しい温暖化対策(IPCC/RCP2.6シナリオ)を採れば、2050年以降、0.3~1.7度に抑えられます。


