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【国家総合職・外務専門職】 語彙力向上(3)

今日から、家族旅行へ泊りで出かけます。今日・明日はあまりブログが更新できません。申し訳ありません。今日は、「ロシアゲート」について書きたいと思います。ついにFBIの捜査が ジャレッド・クシュナーさんに波及しそうです。これまでロシアゲートの捜査線上にあると指摘されたフリン前大統領補佐官(国家安全保障担当)やマナフォート元選挙対策会長は、トランプ大統領が いずれもロシア疑惑を巡って解任しています。2016年12月のフリン前大統領補佐官と駐米ロシア大使との会談にクシュナーさんが同席していたと言うことで FBIの重要捜査対象になったようです。そのほか、クシュナーさん自身にも別の疑惑がある。その内容は、駐米ロシア大使の依頼で 米国の制裁対象となっているロシア国営の対外経済銀行(VEB)の頭取と 同じく2016年12月に会談しているとの疑惑である。何が問題のかは、クシュナーさんがこの疑惑に巻き込まれることでの政治の空転が一番大きい。クシュナーさんは、大統領選では政策立案で中心的な役割を担い、現在ホワイトハウスでは、対中国や中東、メキシコなどの外交政策を中心に 言わば トランプ大統領のブレイン的存在である。トランプ大統領が外遊から帰国後、「ロシアゲート」疑惑に対する追及が一段と激しくなり、政治の空転につながる恐れがある。政治の空転につながれば、日米ともに政治の空転に繋がり 世界政治・世界経済に大きな影を落とす結果になるだろう。


(1)When the dictatorship was no longer willing to use force against people, (    ) of the government began.
  1 fragment  2 disintegration  3 avalanche  4 split
 avalanche 雪崩  split  分裂
When the dictatorship was no longer willing to use force against people, disintegration of the government began.

(2)Industrialized nations will try to reduce (    ) of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses by the end of the decade.
 1 emissions  2 exhaustion  3 propulsion  4 reparations
  gas ⇒ emission exhaustion 消耗、(資源などの)枯渇
Industrialized nations will try to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses by the end of the decade.


(3)Mr. Evans will run in the president election on the Republican (    ).
  1 support  2 ticket  3 confidence  4 trust
  ticket アメリカの用法で 「公認候補者名簿」のこと。be on the Republic ticket は 「共和党の候補者名簿に載る」
  on the Republican ticket 「公認候補として」
  Mr. Evans will run in the president election on the Republican ticket.

(4)The smooth (    ) of all people from different countries into one community has always been an ideal.
 1 completion  2 integration  3 proposition  4 separation
   ideal ⇒ integration
 The smooth integration of all people from different countries into one community has always been an ideal.


(5)At a conference today, health ministers from 13 nations failed to reach a (    ) on how to handle the flu epidemic. “Each country will have to find its own solution,” said the chairperson.
  1 consistency  2 presumption  3 unification  4 consensus
reach ⇒ consensus, agreement
At a conference today, health ministers from 13 nations failed to reach a consensus on how to handle the flu epidemic. “Each country will have to find its own solution,” said the chairperson.

(6)Laws are written so as to have but one (    ), but in reality, this seldom occurs.
  1 interpretation  2 investigation  3 inquisition  4 innovation

 Laws are written so as to have but one interpretation, but in reality, this seldom occurs.


(7)One society is rapidly aging, and the number of (    ) patients is increasing at a tremendous rate.
  1 congenial   2 senile   3 tenacious   4 virile
  senile 老齢の、老齢による  senile dementia 「(老年性)認知症
One society is rapidly aging, and the number of senile patients is increasing at a tremendous rate.


(8)Joe took two weeks off to (     ) after his surgery. He’s now fully recovered and back at work.
1 recuperate 2 deteriorate 3 attenuate 4 emanate
 Joe took two weeks off to recuperate after his surgery. He’s now fully recovered and back at work.


(9)It is generally believed that language learning ability is (     ).
  1 innate  2 innocuous  3 innovative  4 inert
innate = 「生得の、内在している」  inborn, inherent, intrinsic
It is generally believed that language learning ability is innate.


(10)The audience in the hall was (    ) by the exquisite performance of the orchestra.
  1 mesmerized  2 mitigated  3 mortified  4 modulated
  mesmerize 「~を催眠術にかける ( hypnotize ) 」
The audience in the hall was mesmerized by the exquisite performance of the orchestra. 


(11)Although he (    ) the joys of parenthood in his new book, the child psychologist also warned that child rearing is a serious social responsibility.
1 bantered 2 extolled 3 confiscated 4 relinquished
extol = praise
Although he extolled the joys of parenthood in his new book, the child psychologist also warned that child rearing is a serious social responsibility


(12)As might be expected of one who had spent a solitary childhood, the man disliked people and was something of an (     ).
1 extrovert 2 extractor 3 introvert 4 impresario
introvert 「内向的な(人)」  extrovert 「外向的な(人)」  人間嫌いな人: misanthrope
As might be expected of one who had spent a solitary childhood, the man disliked people and was something of an introvert.