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日本がアジアの国と平和共存していくためには、太平洋戦争を振り返り、被爆国として核兵器禁止条約を締結していくことが大事だと考えます。昨日も載せましたが、今後も日本経済を維持していくためには  ふもとの若年層部分を埋めるためには、アジアの若者に日本に来日して頂くことも考えていかなければなりません。アジアの若者が日本で生活して 幸せだなあって感じて貰う必要があります。大前提として、平和主義に基づく立憲民主国家で 国籍を保有していなくても 基本的人権は守られる国だと言うことを発信していかない限り、誰も日本に見向きもしてくれなくなるでしょう。そういう意味では、私も含めて もっと国政について興味を持って接していく必要があると考えます。




THERE can be no more pleasing spot in Tokyo on a July evening than the Yasukuni shrine. The cicadas murmur as you pass along the avenue of ginkgo trees framing the great shinmon gate, fashioned out of dark balks of cypress. The chrysanthemum drapes of the worship hall flutter alluringly; lanterns line the way, and the crowds are in a holiday mood and summer robes. Parties chant with gusto as they parade past with the palanquins housing their neighbourhood deities.

Yasukuni’s summer celebrations reach their climax on August 15th, the anniversary of Japan’s defeat in the second world war. As the date draws closer the avenue expands into a Bartholomew Fair of stalls and revelry. Not everyone is jolly. Sombre groups that include some of Japan’s few surviving war veterans and their families remember fallen friends. There are chin-jutting Yakuza thugs in suits a size too small, and strutting military fantasists kitted out with officers’ swords or kamikaze flight suits. There are protesters—many of them middle-aged or older—and police to keep them in their place.

And there are ghosts. Without them Yasukuni would have no purpose. The shrine honours the souls of those who have died protecting the emperor; they are revered as kami, which can loosely though not wholly satisfactorily be translated as “divine spirits”. Consecrated in 1869, the year after the Meiji Restoration which launched Japan’s modernisation, the striking combination of solemn ritual and popular entertainment that can come as a surprise to people from other cultures was present from the beginning; the first rites of apotheosis were attended by fireworks, cannons and sumo.
The first kami so enshrined were those who had fought on the imperial side in the civil wars around the time of the Meiji Restoration. The number of their fellowship, and the size of the festivals, grew with the occupation of Taiwan (1895), Korea (1910), Manchuria (1931), China’s eastern seaboard (1937) and South-East Asia (1941). There are now 2,466,532 imperial protectors inscribed in Yasukuni’s “Book of Souls”. Collectively, they are viewed as a divine shield for the emperor.
By the tenets of the shrine, all these spirits are equal. To the world at large, they are not. No one objects to a nation honouring its war dead, even if the cause for which they fought was a bad one. But in 1978 the priests of Yasukuni surreptitiously enshrined 14 political and military leaders, including General Hideki Tojo, the wartime prime minister, who had been found guilty by the Tokyo War Crimes Trial of planning or prosecuting the military aggression of the 1930s and 1940s. All 14 had either been executed by Japan’s new American overlords or died in prison. For many—including many in Japan—granting divine honour to such men went beyond the pale. Emperor Hirohito, in whose name millions died, stopped visiting Yasukuni; the current emperor, Akihito, has upheld the boycott. Yet visits by conservative nationalist politicians, including the prime minister, Shinzo Abe, have increased, drawing admonishment in much of the world and stoking anger in China and South Korea.